Thursday, August 23, 2007

Careful watching TV nude!!!

ITs the weekend people!! so enjoy this piece of news!!

A Moscow man who ill-advisedly decided to sit watching telly in the nude in the flat he shared with his ex-missus earned himself a wedding-tackle-torching for his trouble, the Evening Standard reports.
The unnamed man's former wife evidently took exception to his vodka-swilling TV viewing, and duly set fire to his penis. A police spokeswoman admitted it was "difficult to predict" if the human candle would make a full recovery from the ordeal which he described as "monstrously painful".

He added: "I was burning like a torch. I don't know what I did to deserve this."
In case you're wondering, the couple divorced three years back, but continued to cohabit, an arrangement "common in Russia where property costs are very high"
Check the related stories as well !!

1 comment:

Ammaro said...




that has got to be the cruelest thing ever.... burn his whole body if you want, but not THAT!